Saturday, June 14, 2008

June 10th Miss Rothenburger, School Teacher

Things got a bit busy around the office so I was nominated to represent and teach school by my self. I okay with this because Maria didn’t want to and Viv was very busy. I drove for the 1st time, Hilda kindly reminded me to “keep left.” It went much better than I had anticipated. On the way, we stopped at a primary school and gave them 2 soccer balls. One building had a diagram of the parts of the heart and flower painted on it.

At the school, the deputy headmaster asked if I had ever taught before then had a jolly good laugh when I said no. He assembled the senior biology students for me, approximately 25. I was introduced as a Medical Doctor. After clarifying this point, I launched into my lesson plan. I started off by encouraging them to pursue studies in sciences, even though they are challenging. I told them of my problems with math but said I didn’t let that keep me from doing what interested me. I was just wrapping this up when the teacher raised his hand and excused himself for interrupting me. I thought I was doing something wrong, but instead of commenting on that, he asked: “Can you please explain how radiation causes cancer?” Whoa! I was hindered by a dirty chalkboard so my drawings were a little rough and hard to see but I did my best. I was bombarded with questions after this one and my lesson on how the sciences are related to each other was forgotten.

Here are some sample questions:

Why are some women barren?

How does a toad’s heart work since it only has 3 chambers? (I had no idea and had to tell them I didn't know)

If Canada has so little sunlight in the winter, how do Canadians get enough Vitamin D?

How does cancer occur?

How do mutations occur?

Describe agriculture in Canada.

How does haemoglobin hold onto oxygen in the lungs yet release it in the periphery?

How does a fetus develop? (I told them I took an entire class on this one)

What causes edema?
The most heartbreaking: How can we get to study University in

I was pleased they asked me so many questions. I had a little quiz at the end and handed out pens and pencils to the ones who answered correctly. Once we wrapped up, a few keeners gathered around. They wanted my email and phone number. Some asked me to find them Canadian pen pals, of the opposite sex. Shyne, one of the good question askers, was very friendly and she showed me her dorm room. Her mother is the secretary at the school so that is why she goes to this one in particular. She wants to be a doctor and I hope she makes it.

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