Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat Where have you been?

I'm in Berlin.

London was great. I saw the Tower, the bridge (which isn't falling), Oxford, the Underground, Westminster and St. Paul's, Buckingham Palace and the Royal Mews, Stonehenge, Chicago...the list goes on. It was so amazing to see these famous places. Today's Royal Day Out and Westminster was definately the best day here.

I continue to be amazed at how things run on time, work properly etc. compared to Africa.

I will be in Berlin for the next few days. I have lots to see and have no idea exactly how long it will take. From here, I will travel to Munich for another long stretch, then Rothenburg. From there, I want to take a boat trip up the Rhine River and see a few towns in the north, including a visit to Dr. Siefert's family to deliver a gift and try their world-famous sweets.

1 comment:

Marjie said...

Hi Jamie
WOW...just spent more than a marvellous half hour perusing your momentous blogsite!! Your writing is vivid and real...brings back a flood of memories...everything from the tea to the giggling children, kilimanjaro and the teaching experience. It will be great to share more when you return. Keep enjoying. best Marjie F