Saturday, June 14, 2008

June 9th Hero’s Day

It is a public holiday in Uganda to commemorate the people who died in one of the many coos/wars that have occurred in this country. The project for the day was to paint 2 signs that advertise crafts for sale. The other group painted the front of the craft hut, but didn’t do the background. We filled in between the letters and animals. The sign for the fence needed a background too. The signs looked great when they were done. Dr. Willam (our next volunteer assignment). He is very nice and enthusiastic. He is doing a research project looking at Brucellosis in cattle around Lake Mburo National Park. The rainstorm tonight was spectacular and scary all at the same time. I think it was raining Mbuzi (goats). There was thunder and lightning so close, I couldn’t count 1 second between the flash and the sound.

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